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Electricity Prices Are Skyrocketing: How to Reclaim Your Money

Guest Author
May 3, 2023

Electricity bills are becoming more expensive by the day, and it is hitting homeowners and renters hard. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, residential electricity prices have increased by 10% over the past decade, with no signs of slowing down. Yeesh! 

The electricity sector is investing more into ensuring you have everything you need to control your energy usage. Our free program is paid for by the electricity sector to help combat these rising prices. Our program helps reduce electricity bills and directly rewards you for shifting usage during key times. 

Join OhmConnect – a no-cost, no-risk energy-saving program –  that helps you manage your home’s energy usage while also paying you directly in cash, prizes, or devices. 

Analyzing the trends in electricity prices.

The Rise of Energy Management Programs

One of the reasons that electricity prices are going up is because utilities are more frequently engaging in programs to manage the state’s energy usage. These programs aim to encourage everyday people to use less energy during peak hours when the cost of electricity is at its highest. By doing so, utilities can avoid having to create more expensive (and polluting) sources of power. It’s what’s needed in order to meet the demands of our energy needs over the coming years. 

Energy management programs come in various forms, but they all share a common goal: to reduce energy consumption during peak hours. Some programs, like OhmConnect, reward people for conserving energy by paying them cash incentives for reducing their electricity usage during peak hours. 

A comparison of electricity prices across regions.

How Programs like OhmConnect Help

At OhmConnect, we're a free service funded by the electricity sector utilities that rewards people for saving energy during peak hours (usually in the evenings, when folks come home from work and power up their appliances and electronics). 

The more energy you save, the more you can earn! By participating in OhmConnect, you not only help reduce energy consumption on a taxed grid, but also get paid for it.

Utilities would rather pay people to conserve energy than pay for expensive and polluting sources of power. That's why they fund programs like OhmConnect, so that they can avoid having to create more energy or purchase it from outside sources. Now more people just need to get in on it! 

Factors influencing the fluctuation of electricity prices.

Join OhmConnect to Get Your Electricity Prices Back Under Control

If you're not part of a program like OhmConnect yet, you're missing out on the opportunity to earn back some of the higher payments you're paying each month for electricity. By joining OhmConnect, you can take control of your electricity usage, help reduce the demand for energy during peak hours, and get paid for doing so.

OhmConnect works with various utilities across the United States, so chances are, you're eligible to participate in our program. Signing up is easy and only takes a few minutes. Once you're signed up, you'll receive notifications when peak hours are approaching, so you can start conserving energy and earning rewards.

Join OhmConnect today to start managing your energy usage and earning rewards. It's a win-win for you, your community and the environment.

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