Are gas and electric the same bill? Let us help figure it out.
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Are Gas and Electric the Same Bill? Debunking the Common Misconception

Guest Author
May 16, 2023

When it comes to managing household expenses, utility bills play a significant role. (In fact, according to the US Energy Information Administration, residential electricity prices have climbed 10% in the last decade, and those prices are only getting higher! ) Two common utilities found in most homes are gas and electricity. However, there seems to be a common misconception among many folks regarding these two services. 

The question frequently asked is, "Is gas and electric the same bill?" In this post, we will get into the nitty gritty details, shedding light on the key differences between gas and electric bills.

(We know. It’s not the sexiest topic, but you’d be surprised how often this question is asked!) 

Understanding Gas and Electric

Before we address the confusion, let's clarify the basics. Gas and electricity are two distinct forms of energy used for different purposes within our homes. Gas typically powers heating systems, stoves, ovens, water heaters, and sometimes clothes dryers. On the other hand, electricity powers lighting fixtures, appliances, air conditioning systems, and electronic devices.

Gas and Electric Supply

One of the primary distinctions between gas and electric lies in their sources and supply methods. Gas is usually supplied through a network of underground pipelines, which distribute natural gas from a central source to individual homes. The cost of gas is measured in units such as cubic feet or therms, and its usage is usually metered.

Electricity, on the other hand, is generated at power plants, utilizing various energy sources such as coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, or renewable resources like solar and wind. It is then transmitted through an extensive electrical grid and supplied to homes and businesses. The cost of electricity is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), and its usage is also metered.

Billing Differences

Now, let's address the confusion. While gas and electricity are distinct services, they are often billed together for the sake of convenience. In many regions, utility companies provide customers with a single bill that includes charges for both gas and electric usage. This consolidated bill is designed to simplify the billing process for consumers, allowing them to view and manage their energy expenses more efficiently.

However, despite being combined into a single bill, the charges for gas and electricity are itemized separately. This means that the bill clearly distinguishes the costs associated with gas usage and those associated with electric usage. Each service has its own rate structure, which may vary depending on factors such as usage levels, time of day, or seasonal variations.

The TL:DR on Gas and Electric Bills

To answer the question, "Is gas and electric the same bill?" the answer is both yes and no. While they are often billed together for the sake of convenience, gas and electricity are separate services with distinct usage and supply mechanisms. Gas powers specific appliances and is supplied through underground pipelines, while electricity serves as a broader energy source for lighting, appliances, and other electronic devices and is delivered through an extensive grid system.

Understanding these differences is crucial for managing your household energy expenses effectively. By closely examining your gas and electric bills, you can gain insights into your energy consumption patterns, identify areas for potential savings, and make informed decisions to reduce your environmental impact. So, next time you receive your utility bill, take a closer look and appreciate the intricacies of the services that power your home.

A detailed breakdown of a typical gas and electric bill.

Get Paid to Save Energy with OhmConnect

And if you live in California, New York or Texas, you can actually get *paid* to be more efficient with your electricity usage! 

With rising electricity prices and the need to care for our planet greater than ever, there's never been a better time to become a part of OhmConnect's free energy-saving program.

Here's how it works.

The electrical grid is generally pretty good at estimating how much power a particular area needs throughout the day. However, when demand peaks unexpectedly, additional power plants are required to ensure enough electricity is available. Unfortunately, these extra power plants, called "peakers," are worse for the environment and more expensive to run than traditional power plants — and utility providers would rather pay you to power down than pay to turn them on.

That's where OhmConnect comes in.

OhmConnect is a free service that alerts members like you to times of heavy electrical demand in your neighborhood and rewards you if you can use less power for an hour. You'll get an email or text shortly before these events occur, equipping you with the inside scoop to know when to power down your devices and save electricity.

Simply by powering down some of your devices and participating in these energy-saving events (called OhmHours), you'll earn points to trade in for cash, gift cards, prizes and more! 

How do we do it? It's simple! OhmConnect takes the energy you save and sells it back to the grid, sharing those profits directly with you.

Plus, by being more mindful of your home energy usage, you'll automatically reduce your monthly electricity bills by reducing your consumption habits. Savings *and* money straight back in your wallet? Talk about a win-win!

Not a member yet? Sign-up is easy! Click here to get started today.

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