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You're gonna make it

4 Ways to Earn Extra Money in New York City

Kimberly Hutchings
May 10, 2023

It's no secret that living in New York City can be costly. The rental market is the most expensive in the country, and that's on top of the rising costs of living people are experiencing nationwide.

On average, in the past twelve months, the cost of food at home has risen nearly 12%, transportation has increased by roughly 14.6%, and electricity costs have gone up by 14.3%. Does your wallet hurt just reading that? Ours too.

But a little extra cash can go a long way, whether it's paying the bills or having a little fun on a Friday night. And that's why we've compiled four of our favorite ways to earn extra money in New York City right here in this blog post! Read on to learn more about these simple-to-start side gigs. 

Strategies to make extra money in NYC.

Turn your extra living space into a short-term rental.

Demand for living space in New York City is high, and availability tends to be low, so if you have an extra room in your home or apartment, consider renting it out as a short-term rental!

You'll want to start by familiarizing yourself with all of the appropriate regulations in your area to ensure it’s a viable option before joining a platform like Airbnb, VRBO or Booking.com, and of course, talk to your landlord to get permission first if you're renting! 

It's also important to keep in mind that in New York City, short-term rentals must be registered with the city as well as meet a set of particular criteria, including:

  1. You cannot host more than two people at a time.
  2. You (the host) must be living in the rental at the same time as the guests.
  3. Guests must be able to access all parts of the rental unit. 

It can require a bit of admin to get up and running, but if this is the right fit for you, it can be a great way to get to know new people from all over the world and earn a bit of money towards rent and bills in the process!

Popular side hustles to make extra money in NYC.

Use your skills to help others with odd jobs.

Don't have the spare living space for a short-term rental? No stress — consider offering your skills instead!

TaskRabbit is a same-day service platform that instantly connects skilled "Taskers" (you!) with people needing help with odd jobs and everyday errands. Tasks can range from grocery pick-ups and yard work to heavy lifting, furniture assembly, pet-sitting and more. A car is helpful (but not necessary), and it can be awesome for earning some extra money simply by sharing your skills and time with someone in need! 

Average hourly rates can range by task, but to give you an idea, in New York City, you can earn an average of $43 per hour for cleaning tasks, $28 for general errands and $44 an hour for computer help — cha-ching!

Discover money-making opportunities in NYC.

Give your closet a cleanout.

Now, as we said earlier, rental space is limited in New York City, and the available rentals, well, spacious isn't always the best word for them. And that brings us to our next tip to earn extra money in New York City — give your closet a cleanout!

Each year we produce 92 million tons of textile waste globally, and that number is predicted to increase by as much as 60% by 2030. That's a garbage truck full of clothes every second — talk about wasteful! 

But clearing out your closet and selling unwanted clothes offers the opportunity to refresh your wardrobe while ensuring the garments you no longer want get a second life outside of the landfill.

And you don't have to stop at clothes! Taking a critical look at all of the items in your home is a great way to not only clear out excess clutter and help maximize your storage space but selling your unwanted things, whether it be clothes or homeware, is a simple trick to put a little bit of cash back in your wallet.

Facebook Marketplace is perhaps the most popular resale platform used today, but consider checking out other secondhand commerce platforms, like Poshmark, DePop or The RealReal for selling your clothes too!

Effective ways to earn more in NYC.

Save *and* earn money with OhmConnect.

And finally, we couldn't finish this roundup without mentioning us, OhmConnect!

With rising electricity prices and the need to care for our planet greater than ever, there's never been a better time to become a part of OhmConnect's free energy-saving program.

Here's how it works.

The electrical grid is generally pretty good at estimating how much power a particular area needs throughout the day. However, when demand peaks unexpectedly, additional power plants are required to ensure enough electricity is available. Unfortunately, these extra power plants, called "peakers," are worse for the environment and more expensive to run than traditional power plants — and utility providers would rather pay you to power down than pay to turn them on.

That's where OhmConnect comes in.

OhmConnect is a free service that alerts members like you to times of heavy electrical demand in your neighborhood and rewards you if you can use less power for an hour. You'll get an email or text shortly before these events occur, equipping you with the inside scoop to know when to power down your devices and save electricity.

Simply by powering down some of your devices and participating in these energy-saving events (called OhmHours), you'll earn points to trade in for cash, gift cards, prizes and more! 

How do we do it? It's simple! OhmConnect takes the energy you save and sells it back to the grid, sharing those profits directly with you.

Plus, by being more mindful of your home energy usage, you'll automatically reduce your monthly electricity bills by reducing your consumption habits. Savings *and* money straight back in your wallet? Talk about a win-win!

Not a member yet? Sign-up is easy! Click here to get started today.

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Save money. save energy.

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