Clean, modern-looking kitchens are still leading home trends
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Green is in

6 Home Trends That Could Help Save the Planet & Save You Money

Kimberly Hutchings
January 10, 2023

Since 2020, many of us have been forced to reimagine our lives and homes in ways we could never have predicted. From a shift to flexible, remote work that has meant a growing demand for quality home office spaces to viewing the home as a more central hub for entertainment, we've changed how we approach home design and the importance we place on ensuring our spaces meet our needs.

This shift in perspective, coupled with the rising cost of living and the increasing impact of global warming on our day-to-day lives, has meant fresh challenges and opportunities to transform our home lifestyles for the betterment of ourselves and the planet. 

But what home trends are worth paying attention to, and which are merely passing fads? The experts at WGSN, the global authority on consumer and design trends, recently weighed in with their Home Lifestyles 2025 White Paper and the insights they shared were pretty fascinating.

The biggest takeaway? A commitment to both people and the planet will lead the way in creating spaces that enable consumers to live, work, rest and play intentionally. Here are six trends that are helping to make that happen...

leading home trends include installing a smart thermostat

The Energy-Resilient Home

According to a YouGov Survey from 2022, 89% of people say that it's a priority for them to buy or rent an energy-efficient home, and it goes beyond simply wanting to make a positive impact on the planet.

Rising costs of living and non-renewable energy sources like oil and natural gas are driving consumers to seek ways of making their homes more cost-effective. From investing in more efficient appliances to installing smart thermostats that give better control over your home's heating and cooling systems, prioritizing efficiency is guaranteed to be a focus in the coming years.

If you're looking for a good, user-friendly smart thermostat to get started on the path to energy resiliency, we recommend checking out the Google Nest Thermostat! It's affordable, programs itself, and the best part is if you connect it to your OhmConnect account, we'll switch it into Eco Mode during OhmHours, and save you even more money on your bill while earning you 3x on average!

A few other innovations to keep your eye on? DIY solar power kits, wireless LED lighting, and home insulation options made from sustainable materials!

The Rise of the Smart Home

Smart thermostats aren't the only way your home can gain a few IQ points though! Smart tech is on the rise in every corner of the house, and the benefits are ten-fold! 

Take the kitchen, for example. Smart tech in the kitchen is leading to "more efficient meal prep, healthier eating and less food waste," according to WSGN's white paper. For instance, smart fridges offer consumers the option to use internal cameras to view what's in their fridge while on the go, meaning more informed supermarket trips. In addition, AI-powered refrigerators are helping homeowners optimize energy usage with better control and reduced temperature fluctuations. On average, it's leading to a 10% reduction in energy use and a 10% increase in how long food stays fresh. Now, that's a win-win!

And it goes beyond the kitchen. In fact, one of our favorite ways to add smart tech to any room in the home is with smart plugs. Smart plugs help to regulate your home energy usage by allowing you to turn outlets on and off with the tap of a finger while monitoring which outlets are in use through your smartphone. They're great for avoiding wasteful energy consumption from things like televisions, lamps and appliances when they're not in use (especially when you forget to turn something off before leaving the house), and they only take a minute to set up. We recommend the OhmConnect OhmPlug if you want to try them out yourself!

leading home trends include going packaging-free where you can

Low-Waste Will Lead The Way

From eco-friendly, compostable packaging options to refillable consumer goods like dishwashing liquids, body lotions, laundry detergent and more, the trend towards low-waste living shows no signs of slowing. 

One trend that we'll be watching? Innovations in home composting devices. Some food waste will always be inevitable, but composting food scraps is one way to make the most of our leftovers. The downside, though, is the process can be slow, it takes up space in the kitchen and perhaps most unfortunately, it can often be a little smelly. At least, that's the way it has been in the past. 

Fortunately, that's now changing with new arrivals to the market like Reencle's Food Recycler! The recycler is the world's first microorganism composter that enables you to turn food scraps into nutrient-rich fertilizer — straight from your kitchen to the garden!

A Swap to Cleaner Products

With growing awareness of the waste our home products produce comes an increased concern for the materials and ingredients that are going *in* to our home products as well. Enter the clean home.

In recent years, consumers have become more knowledgeable about products' long-term effects on both us and the planet. In fact, between 2018 and 2021, the discussion surrounding clean ingredients in online social media spaces has increased by over 10%

Looking forward, experts expect we'll see more innovations in the clean home marketplace, from an increase in low-toxicity cleaning formulas available on the market to air-purifying paint and reef-safe beauty products that help protect our oceans.

leading home trends include plants and biophilic design

Bringing the Garden Indoors with Biophilic Design

Did you know that, according to researchers, spending only 20 minutes each day around plants inside your home can increase mood and positively affect mental health? It's true! But bringing your garden indoors, a concept called biophilic design, has benefits beyond just how we feel.

For example, have you considered growing your own groceries? Home gardening is a terrific way to save water, reduce carbon emissions (hello, fewer trips to the supermarket), and eliminate food waste. Plus, having fresh, healthy options on hand makes maintaining a nutritious diet when life gets busy much easier! Lettuce Grow's Farmstand is just one of the many options available today that make planning for at-home harvests easy. It's simple to use and takes up minimal space with its stackable design, so you can grow up to 36 types of produce at once! 

leading home trends all point to outdoor entertaining

Prioritizing Outdoor Living

The pandemic quickly turned our outdoor spaces into personal sanctuaries for many of us. A place to enjoy the sun, spend time with family and friends and reconnect with nature. Whether it's an apartment balcony or a backyard filled with greenery, the trend toward prioritizing outdoor living is here to stay, which means finding new ways to make these spaces enjoyable year-round.

Solar lights, firepits, and outdoor kitchen options are becoming increasingly popular ways to maximize how we use our outdoor spaces and provide an incredible opportunity to disconnect from devices and unplug for a while.

Planning more al fresco meals this year? No-energy recipes are a great way to ditch the appliances, and they're super easy to prep (and enjoy) entirely outdoors! OhmConnect shares a ton of energy-free recipes on socials, so make sure you're following along if you need some inspiration!

the best home trends include being energy conscious with OhmConnect

Take Your Impact Even Further with OhmConnect

All six of these trends provide tangible ways to positively impact your home lifestyle while also making a difference for the planet — and that sounds like something to be rewarded if you ask us!

That's where we come in. OhmConnect is a program that rewards you for using less energy in your home. It's free, easy to try and on average new members reduce their usage by 10% or more. Those are some serious long-term benefits!

Ready to get started? Click here to become a member today.

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