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Spend less on electricity
Completely free—no cost, no risk
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Discounted smart devices
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World-class member support
No cost. No risk.
Sign up to to start saving energy and money by reducing your energy usage by 10% or more.*

By saving energy, you’ll automatically be saving money — which means lower bills.

Cash to offset your bills, prizes and gift cards from brands you love just for saving energy.

We’ll let you know when electricity is most expensive, and help you use less.
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We have answers.
What is OhmConnect?
OhmConnect is a free service that rewards you for saving energy.
How is OhmConnect related to Renew Home?
Renew Home is the parent company of OhmConnect.
Does OhmConnect cost anything to join?
OhmConnect is a free service. To get the most out of OhmConnect, we recommend using a smart thermostat and other connected devices to automate energy savings.
How does OhmConnect help the environment?
OhmConnect is focused on conserving energy during peak demand times. During times of high electricity demand, power companies fire up fossil-fuel-powered peaker plants to meet the increased load on the grid. By limiting demand during peak events, we can keep those polluting, expensive peaker plants offline. Learn more about how OhmConnect works.
*Based on the average OhmConnect member who joined in 2021, and their electricity usage May-September 2021 versus the same time period the prior year.