OhmPlug: Plug In. Save Energy. Get Paid.

OhmPlug is your little helper in saving even more energy without having to lift a finger. This step-by-step guide will help you set it up in no time!

Earn More With Your OhmPlug

OhmConnect rewards you for saving energy. The more you save, the more you can earn, which means powering down the most energy hogging appliances like your fridge, freezer, entertainment system, and microwave is the key to easy and rewarding energy saving.

Not many of us have the patience to run around our homes to power down during OhmConnect's energy saving events, or we simply forget. This is where your OhmPlug helps: simply plug an energy hogging appliance into your OhmPlug, and we automatically power those energy hogs on and off, earning you rewards without needing to lift a finger!

Where to start?
Our #1 recommendation is to put your OhmPlug onto your fridge. Concerned about your food? The FDA has reported food can be in an unpowered refrigerator for up to four hours, so no need to stress!

infographic of a house showing rooms in which smart devices like the OhmPlug are used and how much you can earn with them