Message to our SCE community

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Matt Duesterberg
February 7, 2019

To our SCE OhmConnect community,

We value transparency and honesty.  

As you know, cashouts are currently not available for SCE customers and we want to tell you why.

Here’s how our business works: SCE (and our other utility partners) pay us when our community reduces electricity consumption by an amount outlined in our contracts. In simplest terms, for every $1 they pay us, we pass on roughly $.80 to you.

We get paid … and then we pay you. (Or at least, that’s how it’s supposed to work). For the past eight months, we have been paying you even though SCE hasn’t been been paying us. It pains us not to hold up our end of the bargain, but in spite of the California Public Utilities Commission telling SCE to pay us, it hasn’t happened.

We’re a start up.  We’re well-intentioned. But we simply cannot afford to continue to reward you for saving electricity if we don’t get paid.

We’re sincerely sorry for the inconvenience. We hope SCE does the right thing -- so we can continue to do the right thing, for you and the environment.

Here is a personal video for you from our CEO Matt Duesterberg explaining why you can currently not cash out:

OhmConnect's CEO Matt Duesterberg explaining why SCE customers can currently not cash out

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